A small to medium private enterprise was seeking assistance with growth and strategic direction as well as a closer examination of existing processes.  The overarching purpose was to provide a health check of the business in order to achieve structured growth during the next phase of expansion.

We engaged both staff and the Managing Director in a series of discovery workshops, and were able to complete a comprehensive analysis of the business, building in standardized and centralized business processes, providing key strategic advice and highlighting new income streams. 

Utilising the results of the analysis, the Managing Director was lead through a presentation emphasizing the following: 
•    Highlight risks to the business;
•    Key strategic advice on handling of staff management issues;
•    Overarching business requirements to achieve outlined goals;
•    Key strategic advice during a takeover bid of the company.

During the engagement, we provided the business with:
•    Formalized and centralized business processes;
•    Formalized and centralized user documentation;
•    Input into disaster-recovery strategies; and
•    Formalized business IT policy.

DOWNLOAD: Business Health Check.pdf

Is your business performing as well as it can be?  Is it meeting its strategic goals and mission?

Talk to us today and we can run a health check to work out if it is suffering from pneumonia or it's just a common cold.

(07) 3181 5661; 0407 766 141